sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009

No podía aguantar nono cuando ví esta foto dije AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
MI DIOS. MI VIDA. MI SKANDAR! No podes salir más lindo. MIRA . MIRAAAAA. Tenes el pelito más largo como en PC. ahahah mi vida no podes ser tan tierno . mira qe lindo qe salis (calate el pelo de la chica de azul :s pobre) aaaaaahah pero vos. vos tan hermoso . explendido .Con esa sonrisita al costadito. COMO EXTRAÑABA ESA SONRISA. no podes er tan perfecto te amo tanto mi amor. no puedo creer que salgas tan bonito e. Ensima en TRAJE GRIS. nunca te había visto en traje gris. HAHALo usaras tmb para los premios de mañana?'
Ojalá que ganes mi amor, te mereces ese premio. HAHA te aaaamo mi vidaaaa. no sé cuantos veces lo dije pero no me importa. HAHA voy a dejar el texto que iba con esta foto.

It can't have escaped your notice that 2009 is the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth. As a great-great-great grandson of Charles Darwin Skandar presented Darwin's Treasure Chest to William Tyndale Primary School in Islington, London. The Great Plant Hunt is a project funded and devised by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew to jump-start an interest in plant-based science by distributing a Treasure Chest to every maintained primary school in the UK.

On 11 March Skandar stood before the assembled school and read the first chapter of Following in Darwin's Footsteps. This is one of the booklets in the chest which also contains fun stickers, magnifiers, a plant identikit, a plant press and a mini seed bank. The children are invited to take part in a unique experiment which will help Kew's scientists at the Millenium Seed Bank. The project is supported by online resources.

Charles Darwin was only twenty-two years-old when he set out on his journey on HMS Beagle in 1831. The hope is that the Great Plant Hunt will inspire you too to set out on a life-altering path of caring for the natural world.

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